I'm a mystic, spiritual teacher & spiritual healer, and multidisciplinary R&D & consulting scientist-engineer. I have a Master's degree in the sciences. I'm also a sungazer. In scientific realm, I work in both mainstream science & forbidden science ("strange science"). Lotsa experience w/16S rRNA genomic sequencing to identify microbiota in pricey high-end fermented nutritional supplemements.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

OnThoughts and Memories, and Tendencies....

Hi folks:

This morning, a friend (Jenmis) posted a foto of a cute t-shirt
imprint on her Facebook page Wall which read "Don't believe
everything you think!" My reply to her posting was much along the
lines of the following:

Yes. And... I will go further, and state that at least 99 percent of
thoughts are simply a product of the fears and memories (i.e.,
karmic, cellular memory, ancestral and generational in origin) of the
local mind, aka the limited mind, and are therefore untrue, that is,
erroneous. In each case, we will do best -- this is, we will reside
in the greatest depth of peace and know the greatest truth -- by
surrendering all of these false and incorrect thoughts, memories and
tendencies to Supreme Heart, that is, to Ground of Being, and to the
ocean of Love that resides therein.

with care,