I'm a mystic, spiritual teacher & spiritual healer, and multidisciplinary R&D & consulting scientist-engineer. I have a Master's degree in the sciences. I'm also a sungazer. In scientific realm, I work in both mainstream science & forbidden science ("strange science"). Lotsa experience w/16S rRNA genomic sequencing to identify microbiota in pricey high-end fermented nutritional supplemements.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Have Created a Facebook Memorial Public Page for Spiritual Healer Filomena Dingle, aka Mama Filomena

Hi folks:

This morning I created a Facebook public memorial page for my friend and colleague Filomena Vendola Dingle, aka Mama Filomena (who passed on in May 2006), the famed Catholic stigmatic (aka victim soul) spiritual healer, who worked as a vessel of the Blessed Mother (an aspect of Divine Mother.) You may find the memorial page at:


with care,