For those of you who, like me, are following the antics of the COVID-19 anti-vaxxers and their usually insane rhetoric and claims with some degree of amusement and bemusement, and also with some degree of disgust, I have reproduced below a reply that I left a few minutes ago as a Comment under a FB post that one of my FB friends, who is a rabid COVID-19 anti-vaxxer, had published on her FB page Timeline.
She had recently published a FB Timeline post wherein she stated that she is trying to avoid getting COVID-19, and was therefore considering increasing her currently-modest levels of Vitamin D in her body. Remember now, she is a rabid anti-vaxxer, and even moreso when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Here is what I posted as a Comment under her FB post -- and, when when you read it, it may help to bear in mind that I had an almost-asymptomatic case of COVID-19 back in May of 2020, and I also got 2 doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine when it became available; even though I already had good immunity to COVID-19 from my earlier very-mild infection, I chose to get the Pfizer vax because I wanted to be able to qualify ASAP to travel w/out a mask (I HATE wearing masks -- they keep me from being exposed to all of the wonderful wild microbes in the air which help to keep my immune system in tip-top shape...!) and because my inner guidance told me (remember that in addition to being a scientist, I am a mystic as well) that the vax was totally harmless for me.
It may also help to bear in mind that, based upon my past experiences, I usually do not automatically trust ANY actions, recommendations or "cures" offered by the Western healthcare system (that is, medicine and dentistry and the pharma industry), and, other than a TDAP tetanus vax booster every 15-18 years, I have not ingested/taken any Western pharmaceuticals or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines since 1988.
Here then, is my reply Comment to my friend's FB post:
Brenda, a few comments on this topic:
First, although I usually try to NEVER take any vitamin supplements, the one exception that I make is that -- because of the unavoidable fact that I live on a heavily-forested mountainside where my entire ~4 acre property is under very heavy tree canopy, and therefore I get very little sun exposure when I am at home -- I do supplement with the following on a daily basis:
-- fermented cod liver oil, which contains some Vitamin A and D.
-- vitamin D capsule, one per day, sometimes two per day
But now, to move onto the important issue and question:
Since you are a rabid anti-vaxxer, and since any SENSIBLE and SANE anti-vaxxer would -- in order to keep their immune systems in optimal shape -- take commonsense proactive steps on a daily basis to expose themselves maximally to as wide a variety as possible of wild microbes from nature, and particularly from wild animals (perhaps by kissing every snake, toad, frog, etc. that you meet, such as I do...), pets (dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.; my cats kiss me every day) and poultry (e.g., my goose Filomena givees me hugs and kisses very day...), I am WONDERING WHY in the world you seem to be trying to AVOID getting exposed to COVID-19, rather than doing what I did back in early 2020 (even though I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I do like to keep my immune system in tip-top shape..), and taking steps to deliberately expose yourself to COVID-19 so that you would quickly develop a minor case of COVID-19 and therefore develop a good level of natural immunity to the SARS-COV-2 organism?
Even though I am not an anti-vaxxer, and rather, simply wish to always keep my immune system in tip-top shape, back in early 2020, when the pandemic was just emerging, I realized, much to my dismay, that due to the fact that I live in such an isolated setting on a forested wilderness mountainside in a rural area, that my wife Sue (who sees these matters the same way that I do...) and I would likely NEVER get exposed to COVID-19 unless I took strong proactive steps to do so.
Therefore, I immediately took strong proactive steps, in mid-May 2020, to go out into the world and deliberately expose myself to COVID-19, which I managed to accomplish quickly, and then, by May 24/25, I developed a very minor and almost-asymptomatic case of COVID-19 for 2-3 days, and then Sue (who is about a decade younger than me) developed somewhat stronger COVID-19 symptoms a day after mine had started, and her symptoms lasted for about 4-5 days in total.
In my case, I did not develop any long-haul COVID symptoms at all (well, other than that vampire thing, where I need to drink several pints of fresh warm human blood at least 4X per week...!), while Sue developed some moderate COVID-19 long-haul symptoms that she quickly found that she could almost totally manage by supplementing her diet with chelated magnesium.
So, girl, what gives? WHY in the world are you trying to AVOID exposure to this wonderful microbe called SARS-COV-2 ???
Exposing yourself to it will ONLY help to keep your immune system in tip-top shape!!!