Title: A Review of the New UFO/UAP Book by Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris Titled "Trinity: The Best Kept Secret"
Subtitle: A Bizarre and Nearly-Incoherent Book; Not at All Resembling Any of Vallee's Earlier Serious Works
This is a review for the book recently published by Jaques Vallee and co-author Paola Harris titled "Trinity: The Best Kept Secret", which, until a point just a few weeks prior to its eventual delayed publication in early June 2021, had originally been titled "THE BEST KEPT SECRET: Groundbreaking Research Reveals A New UFO History"
I am giving this book 1.8 stars out of 5 stars for its rating, and for Amazon review purposes, am rounding that score up to 2 stars.
Now for the grist, but first: Oboy! ...this is gonna be a weird review, weird in the sense that it is gonna be kinda tough to write, in large part because this will be the first time that I have ever given a book on any topic in the realms of forbidden science by Jacques Vallee less than 5 stars in a review. For example, for each of the four volumes in Vallee's Forbidden Science annotated memoir series (with each volume covering a period of approximately one decade, spanning the period from 1957 to 1999), I gave each book a resounding 5 stars in my review(s).
Incidentally, I found each of the volumes in Vallee's Forbidden Science series to be very interesting, and all the more so because I had some interactions between 1978 and 1989 with at least three of the persons whom Vallee mentions repeatedly in his recollections in this series. One of those persons was UFO / anomalies / paranormal topics author John Keel, and the other was the then-famed and at-times-infamous Dr. Andrija Puharich, the MD/psychiatrist turned strange science/paranormal researcher who had semi-stalked and harassed me -- as I have recounted in a tale that appears on one of my websites -- for a while in the early and mid-1980s under the mistaken belief (given to him largely by his favorite channelled entities, including the Council of Nine) that I was in possession of numerous long-lost "secret" Nikola Tesla documents, Tesla technical secrets, and devices in the realms of "free energy".
Puharich even claimed for a time that I was a reincarnation of Tesla, which is assuredly not true. (Interestingly, on the topic of reincarnations of Nikola Tesla, a few authors, podcasts, and websites have claimed that my friend and colleague, G. Patrick Flanagan, the inventor / researcher / scientist who wrote the "Pyramid Power" books in the 1970s, was a reincarnation of Tesla, and I find that newer variant of the claim to be far more reasonable and believable than the similar claim that Puharich had made about me back in the 1980s...!)
I have -- at least before the release of this current work, his latest book on the topic -- always appreciated the books by Jaques Vallee on topics in the realms of forbidden science, because, unlike so very many authors covering the topics of UFOs/UAPs and related matters, he was not one of the rabid "True Believers" and rather he, much like John Keel, another one of the rare authors in this field who rejected the hardware/nuts-and-bolts theories and the "True Believer" theories about aliens from outer space, clearly did NOT subscribe to a nuts-and-bolts "hardware" theory of UFOs that included the belief that UFOs were real physical phenomena, i.e., that they MUST BE nuts-and-bolts ships from sentient alien civilizations located far away in outer space, and rather, held far more sophisticated and nuanced beliefs about UFOs/UAPs, including the belief that all UFO and related phenomena were essentially paranormal in origin, and clearly also involved paranormal effects upon the consciousness of the observer(s), likely including tulpa phenomena (which John Keel sometimes mislabeled/mistranslated as "tulku"...).
Now, having written what I just did about Vallee's more enlightened views on the nature of UFO/UAP and alien sightings/encounters, I do want to pause for a moment to add that while I have always appreciated that Vallee (and also Keel) was not a True Believer, and did not subscribe to the hardware/nuts-and-bolts theories about UFOs/UAPs, it is also true that I have always been quite wary of one of Vallee's alternate theories in this regard, namely his "control system" hypothesis, which he seemed to favor for at least a 15 to 20-year period between perhaps ~1978 and 1993, about "Control Systems", the concept that UFO/UAP and alien sightings/encounters were orchestrated or created, using paranormal means, by a possibly-malevolent higher intelligence as a kind of "control system" to limit and circumscribe human endeavors in certain fields/realms. That particular theory always kinda fell flat with me!
Conflict of Interest and Disclaimer Statement
And now, before we proceed any further to the grist of this review, I am obligated to pause here to issue a Conflict of Interest and Disclaimer Statement. Here it is:
There are certain facts about me, and also certain assertions and claims that various opinionated persons on the Internet -- and particularly including certain UFO/UAP buffs and conspiracy-theory adherents, have made about me in various venues on the Internet (e.g., websites, blogs, social media pages, online forums, email list groups, many on the mainstream Web, and some on the so-called Dark Web) -- that I want you to be aware of before we proceed any further (because we all KNOW that any claims made on the Internet, however wild or crazy, MUST BE TRUE because God created the Internet!); I have enumerated some of the more notable ones below:
1) First, as I have already referenced above, there is the fact that the famous MD/psychiatrist-turned-paranormal researcher and fringe science inventor Andrija Puharich pursued and harangued me for years in the belief that I not only was the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla, but that I was also malevolently DELIBERATELY withholding and keeping secret -- and thus refusing to share with humanity and with Puharich -- a large trove of secret Tesla papers, documents, inventions and devices that would have given modern-day humans access to unlimited Free Energy (sorry, I just HAD to capitalize those words, as a tribute to all of the nutso conspiracy theorists who feel that they MUST randomly Capitalize every Other word in THEIR rants!) So, that fact alone may mean that I am not trustworthy, and that I am a disinformation agent working for THEM!
2) Across the past 22+ years, from about 1998 through the present (mid-2021), when I have at times shared my opinions or findings on various matters in the realms of Forbidden Science (sorry, I just HAD to Capitalize it!) -- and particularly on topics in the areas of UFOs/UAPs & aliens, ormus nutritionals, alchemy, time-space portals, time travel, vaccines, putative chemtrails, putative harm caused by 5 GHz WiFi signals and/or by 5G cell phone technology -- on my social media pages or on various email list groups or forums, a rather large number of rather-rabid conspiracy theorists have then in turn DEFINITIVELY DECLARED to me and to the world (along with death threats at times...!), that I MUST be a disinformation agent in the employ of either the Bavarian Illuminati, or of the New World Order cabal, or of the Skunk Works arm of the CIA, or of the Reptoid Reptilians, or of the Secret Office at the Holy See at the Vatican, or of the Jesuits (BTW, WHY is it that the vast majority of conspiracy theories, at their deepest root/core and base, almost always seem to claim that either the Vatican, or the Jesuits (a Roman Catholic order of priests), are the "original evil" behind all of the "bad" stuff?).
3) Several conspiracy theorists -- all of them having seemingly emerged from the Montauk Project/Philadelphia Experiment/Secret Space Program cluster of conspiracy theories -- have claimed at times since 2006 that I was clandestinely involved in a secret time travel project, where the facility and equipment were purportedly located in an abandoned mine near the lower adjacent corners of southern West Virginia and southern Kentucky, between the years 1980 and 1986. So, this claim alone may mean that I am not trustworthy, and that I am a disinformation agent working for THEM!
4) I should also disclose that between 2007 and 2014, I received a number of uninvited and unsolicited phone calls or private messages on one of my social media pages from persons -- each of whom invariably sounded very unstable and quite "mentally/emotionally disturbed" and/or were obviously under the influence of alcohol or some drug) -- each of whom described themselves as either employees or colleagues of the putative "Dr." David Lewis Anderson, who during the period from 2007 to 2013, had emerged from total obscurity to claim that he had a PhD in physics and time travel (as others have since reported, there exists no evidence that he had ever really earned anything beyond a Bachelor's degree), and to further claim that he was the founder and CEO of a prestigious large research corporation called the Anderson Time Travel Research Center (no, there exists no evidence that this putative research corporation ever existed beyond a rather flaky website which made wild claims, and a mailing address in a shabby factory area of an upstate NY city, and it certainly was never "prestigious") and he also claimed that he had developed a device that he called a Temporal Tremor Detector (TTD), claiming that it showed on a large screen the locations of any "time disturbances" or time/space or interdimensional portals anywhere in the Western world.
Each of these above-mentioned people who contacted me without invitation, after having claimed that they were employees or colleagues of the putative "Dr." David Lewis Anderson, then proceeded to tell me (it was almost as if they were all reading from the same script...) that "Dr. Anderson" had given them permission to call me, and had assured them that he had arranged in advance for me to give each of them one to two hours of "free consulting time" (for some background: one of the hats that I wear in this world is that I am a well-know multidisciplinary scientific-engineering consultant and R&D researcher in certain areas in the realms of mainstream science and forbidden science) on matters related to time travel and portals, and they each (and again, it was as if each of them had been reading from the same script...) proceeded to insist that their Anderson-invented Temporal Tremor Detector (TTD), purportedly located at "the Institute" (which was located somewhere in midstate NY state, they all claimed...) had recently reported to them a set of geographic coordinates that had turned out to be in my forested mountainside backyard, for a "major" natural portal site that was emitting major "temporal tremors" and other disturbances of space and time.
They each then proceeded to demand that I spend some time on the phone talking with them, free-of-charge, about such matters, and each demanded also that I give them permission to arrive at my rural mountainside property within the next day or two with some "advanced scientific equipment" to measure disturbances in space-time, so that they could visit and inspect and run "tests" on the putative portal spot in my yard. Now, the very odd thing is that each of these people sounded so poorly-educated, mentally and emotionally disturbed, and disoriented (and several of them drunk as well) that I doubt that they would have recognized a piece of "scientific equipment" even if it had bitten them on the ankle...!
In any case, after I had spent from two to four minutes on the phone with each of these callers, just long enough to assess what was going on, I abruptly informed each of them, to their great displeasure and rage, that I would not give them any more of my time, and that they were NOT allowed to attempt to visit me or my property in any way, EVER, after which I hung up the phone, and ignored all further calls from them (yes, some of them did try to call back, repeatedly...). As for the people who had sent me private messages in a similar vein via social media pages, I ignored each of those messages, and trashed or archived them.
Luckily, by early or mid 2013, the putative Dr. David Lewis Anderson, along with his bizarre claims about time travel and portals (he had also talked a lot during the few previous years about the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, where he claimed, aliens had hidden Nikola Tesla's Zero Time Generator, aka Zero Time Reference Device, which some conspiracy theorists later decided that I now had custody of...) deep in tunnels under a strange esoteric rock formation, had totally disappeared from the circus-like circuit of podcasts, radio shows, conferences, seminars, and festivals devoted to UFOs, aliens, conspiracy theories, and strange science topics, never to emerge again, and within the next few months, the influx of calls and messages that I received from these nutjobs dwindled almost to zero.
In closing, I want to disclose that a number of the above-mentioned persons who had approached me, once I had rebuffed their bizarre demands, proceeded to send me messages (voicemails and/or private messages) accusing me of being either a Reptoid Reptilian, or of being a senior staffer of the Secret Space Program! These claims may mean that I am not trustworthy, and that I am a disinformation agent working for THEM!
Okay, Returning Now to the Grist of This Review. . .
Do you remember that I had mentioned above that one thing that I have always appreciated about Jacques Vallee was his seasoned, mature and nuanced approach, along with more enlightened views, in the matter of UFO/UAP and alien sightings/encounters, wherein I had mentioned that I appreciated that Vallee (along with Keel) was not a simplistic fundamentalist True Believer, and did not subscribe to the hardware/nuts-and-bolts theories about UFOs/UAPs, and that he leaned more toward a paranormal explanation (as do I)?
Well, in light of all of that, can you imagine my SHOCK when I opened (in Kindle) this new book, by Vallee and Harris, and found that in addition to the presence of a GREAT multitude of comments and statements in the book that seemed to express and even EXUDE a "gee-whiz-I'm-sooo-a-True-Believer" attitude toward the entire topic of UFOs/UAPs and aliens in general, and in particular toward the old school fundamentalist nuts-and-bolts hardware theories of UFOs/UAPs, along with all of the following offenses (well, at least to me they are offensive...!) as well? (list appears below):
1) Evidence of gross mis-editing and even total lack of competent editing, including multiple occurrences of bad or very clumsy grammar/language usage, and even a number of occurrences of odd capitalization of words, the latter reminiscent of the bizarre writing style of many rabid conspiracy theorists.
2) Many instances, downright incredible, of repetitiveness of certain tales and narratives, none of them very relevant in the first place.
3) Massive over-reliance upon boring and repetitive and not-very-relevant and certainly questionable interviews with not-very-relevant and/or not very credible "witnesses".
4) As mentioned already above, an amazing display, at many times and places in the text, of a totally-indiscriminate and totally gullible and inanely credulous approach to the whole topic of UFOs/UAPs and aliens, a kind of "Gee whiz! I want to believe! I am a total true believer! I believe everything that people claim or imply when it comes to UFOs, and I particularly believe all of the hardware/nuts-and-bolts claims and theories!" attitude (or, as another reviewer put it, it can be called is the "Oh, wow, tell me more!" approach, one which is highly credulous), one that is at GREAT odds with any of the previous writings of Jaques Vallee on any of these topics.
5) As was partially referenced or at least implied above, a total lack of seasoned judgment, discrimination, and clear thinking, and total lack of intuition and common-sense, in presenting and accepting all sorts of silly outlandish assertions and claims in the book.
6) Multiple places in the text where the authors(s) express appreciation and respect for, and extend validation and credibility to (both to the person and to their words and claims...), a number of rather questionable second, third and fourth-tier self-styled "researchers" from the carnival-like world of UFOdom.
7) I should not even mention the fact that some of the so-called "witnesses" are third-hand, third-party witnesses who came along and heard some tales, some 15 years after the purported incident, and I will DEFINITELY not mention the fact that the only two primary witnesses offered in the book were small children at the time of the purported incident in the mid-1940s, and that they related their reports of the incident between 65 and 75 years later!
8) The barebones reality is that there at least 7 or 8 additional things that I found to be rather odd and disturbing about the book that I was originally tempted to include in this list as well, but I will not bother to share them here, simply because several other Amazon Books reviewers who have written 1, 2 or 3-star reviews for the same book have already addressed each of those issues, and more eloquently than I could have managed!
Some Conclusions
Now, I would dearly LOVE to believe that all of the things that I found in this book to be bizarre and to be a total 180-degree reversal of course, style, and attitude for Vallee and his writings, and a total violation of common sense, are simply due to the fact that the stark reality is/was that the Italian reporter/co-author Paola Harris (who admittedly has in the past seemed to express belief in "alien autopsy" and other questionable sideshows in the riotous circus called UFO/UAP/alien research, and whom Vallee only seems to have met in 2019) wrote almost the entirety of the text in the book, and also did all of the editing (or non-editing, as the case may be) and that Vallee contributed almost no text of his own to the book, other than perhaps one or two brief anecdotes, along with a photo or two, and rather, he simply lent his name as an author to the book as a favor to co-author Harris (or as a favor to some Type 7 alien greys...).
Final Conclusion
However, let's be real here for a moment, and let us admit that there exists a third hypothesis that will explain the very existence of this rather silly, nonsensical and banal "True Believer" book, and that is this:
The aliens did it! It was space aliens! Those dang sly space aliens (Type 11 alien greys, to be precise) conspired to create this book in order to finally, once and for all, totally discredit Jacques Vallee as a serious researcher and writer in UFO/UAP realms and in the Forbidden Science realms in the minds of the humans (and also in the minds of the rank-and-file members of the 33 shapeshifting alien races) living here on Earth, because Vallee had, up till now, been viewed as one of the very few serious and sane authors in this field!
In Closing
Finally, all that I can really say to you is: “Watchman, some day you'll see the universe.”
Oh, and I am asked to advise you that two Men In Black (the robotic battery-operated type, whose batteries always start to run low all too soon...) will be knocking on your front door at 3 AM tonite, asking to borrow a cup of sugar, and insisting upon asking you all sorts of odd questions about your reactions to having recently read this review! Well, that will be before their batteries start to run low, whereupon they will start to act and speak very strangely... .