I'm a mystic, spiritual teacher & spiritual healer, and multidisciplinary R&D & consulting scientist-engineer. I have a Master's degree in the sciences. I'm also a sungazer. In scientific realm, I work in both mainstream science & forbidden science ("strange science"). Lotsa experience w/16S rRNA genomic sequencing to identify microbiota in pricey high-end fermented nutritional supplemements.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Announcing Pre-Release Viewing of Peter Sorcher's Sungazing Film, Seattle, June 7, 2009

I have just heard from Peter Sorcher of Peter Sorcher Films that his film on sungazing, entitled "Eat the Sun", and which features some footage of me talking about sungazing, will be showing, in a rough "work in progress" form, at a Seattle film festival in June. Here are the details:

There will be a "work in progress" (very fine rough cut) showing of the "Eat the Sun" film at the Seattle True Independent Film Festival on June 7th at the Northwest Film Forum in Seattle at 7:20pm with Q and A to follow. I have been informed that I have been highlighted in my own section of the film.

Here's the link for Seattle tickets:

I will keep you informed of any further showings of this film in its rough pre-release form, and also of its final release and disposition, as time passes!


with care,

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